
Save On Porter-Cable 342K 1/4-Sheet Palm-Sander Kit Online Shop

Porter-Cable 342K 1/4-Sheet Palm-Sander Kit

you looking for cheap Porter-Cable 342K 1/4-Sheet Palm-Sander Kit?

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Porter-Cable 342K 1/4-Sheet Palm-Sander Kit
This is the sander you've been searching for. The Porter Cable 342K features a powerful 2.4 Amp motor and lightweight, compact frame that you can hold comfortably in your hand. Anyone serious about woodworking will appreciate the luxury of its soft rubber grip that lets you work for hours without the discomfort of excessive vibration. Plus, you can enjoy the convenience of effortless cleaning with the handy removable top cap and efficient dust collection with the exclusive POREX dust canister and dual dust ports with 1-inch and 1-1/2-inch vacuum hose accommodation. Backed by a 1-year warranty, this sander comes complete with sandpaper and a kit box.

Porter-Cable 342K 1/4-Sheet Palm-Sander Kit

  • Lightweight, handheld frame
  • Powerful 2.4 Amp motor
  • Efficient dust collection with POREX dust canister and dual dust ports
  • Soft rubber grip comfortable for hours of use
  • Includes sander, paper punch, instruction manual and kit box.

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